Want to know what kind of wholesale buying discounts your order will qualify for? Find the answer here!
Almost every product on CheapWholesaleJewelry.com offers bulk discounts for volume purchases. Simply click on any item to go to the full product description to see the lowest price possible. If you do not see a bulk discount for the item you are interested in, please email us with the product model number and quantity that you are interested in purchasing - we will be happy to create a discount just for you!
CheapWholesaleJewelry.com is also proud to offer our wholesale Jewelry Club Memberships, so you can save 10% to 15% off every order you place, reagrdless of how much you order! Please CLICK HERE for more information on our available memberships!
We are also very happy to provide available discounts on an order total, instead of by individual product. If you have an order of $2,000 or more, please give us a call at 800-539-3178 to see what we can offer you for a discount off your order total!
Still have questions about our Bulk Discounts? Feel free to give us a call at 800-539-3178 or email us by clicking here.